A Writer Writes...

Our lives begin long before we take our first breath.

Monday, May 23, 2011

10 Things You Probably Shouldn't Say to Someone Recently Engaged

When my sister was pregnant with my first niece, I always found it kind of creepy when complete strangers would come up to her and rub her belly.  Is that socially acceptable?  I almost wanted to be pregnant just so I could say to an approaching hand, "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

Turns out, the comments people make as they admire my ring gives me the same creeped-out feeling.  Seriously people, say congratulations and move on!

10) Oh my God, congratulations!  Is it real? (F*@# @^*!!!)

9)  Oh my God, congratulations! Does he have kids? (Uh, Noooo...but thanks for wondering about that...)

8)  Oh my God, congratulations!  Is he a US Citizen? (Seriously?  Is that the 1st question you think to ask?)

7)  Oh my God, congratulations!  Are you pregnant?  (F*@# @^*!!!)

6)  Oh my God, congratulations!  I can't wait for your wedding! (says the colleague who never says a word to you unless it's to point out a mistake you've made)

5)  Oh my God, congratulations!  Are you going to wear white?  (really???? does that even matter anymore????)

4)  Oh my God, congratulations!  Do you mind if I ask what his legal status is? (His What?!?!?)

3)  Oh my God, congratulations!  Does he have a job?  (Two, in fact.  Thanks so much for your concern for my financial well being :)

2)  Oh my God congratulations!  How are you going to afford a wedding?  Better start tutoring more kids! (Uh, no I'm good.  Dual income, child-free home...)

1) Oh my God, congratulations!  Let me try on your ring. (Hell no!  Do you know how long I've waited to wear it?  It'll take at least twice as long till I take it off!!!)

Luckily, I have an amazing new fiance to help me laugh through the BS and enjoy the rest of my life with :)

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